The NEUCA Foundation for Health was established in order to even more effectively implement the NEUCA Group’s mission in the area of health, which is: We facilitate access to health care, improve the quality of life and patients’ sense of security. This is our commitment and responsibility. If you are interested in joining the campaign, feel free to contact us via or contact form.
National Blood Sugar Level Test
The National Blood Sugar Level Test is a nationwide prevention programme that the NEUCA Foundation for Health has been organising since 2022. Providing both year-round blood glucose testing in mobile clinics and organising special health events ( NEUCA Walkathon for Health or Project Summer 2022), we have so far reached over 1 million Poles unaware of the risk of diabetes. For more details on the campaign, click here.

Preventive screenings
The NEUCA Foundation for Health focuses on activities in the area of prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles. The Foundation has already screened more than 150,000 patients across the country. The Foundation reaches out to larger and smaller towns and cities throughout the year with mobile clinics enabling screening. Thanks to regular examinations, the likelihood of contracting diseases such as cardiovascular diseases is reduced by up to half.
If you are interested in joining the campaign, please feel free to contact us via or the contact form.
Publishing activity
The NEUCA Foundation for Health publishes the Patient’s Handbook, which was created with the idea of educating the public about health. It helps to see how much we ourselves can do for our health and the health of our loved ones. The Patient’s Handbook contains diaries for recording blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol levels, a test for nicotine addiction, a schedule of medical appointments and vaccination dates. In addition, the Patient Handbook contains factual articles and advice on the most common medical conditions. The entire booklet has 36 pages and is A5 in size. Thanks to its compact size, you can take the Patient’s Handbook with you anywhere and carry essential information about your condition with you.

Health events
The NEUCA Foundation for Health promotes health and healthy lifestyles at all ages. According to social needs, we organise outdoor events. If you are interested in joining the campaign, feel free to contact us via or the contact form.

The NEUCA Walkathon for Health
A regular pro-health and pro-sports event which aims to activate the local community and popularise a healthy lifestyle through marches and other forms of activity performed outdoors. It is also an opportunity for free screening, which has been used by several thousand people every year for 11 years.

The main objective of the event is to mobilise, integrate, educate, promote health and develop healthy habits among seniors living in Toruń and its surroundings. The event is another point on the entertainment map of Toruń’s seniors and allows them to enjoy life even more. We annually reach 2,500 seniors.